Thursday, April 30, 2009


It still amazes me that I can go into the boy's room and they both be sleeping exactly the same way, the covers in exactly the same spot. I just want to grab my camera and take some pictures but know the flash would wake them. They are just adorable when I pop in there and they are like this. Makes it a very nice ending to an otherwise stress filled day.

Noah has started scratching again. First yesterday at PDO and then today at music class. Ugh! I know he will eventually stop but I feel terrible for the other child. He only does this in my presence from what we can tell. Some day I will find the key!

Cameron decided today was melt down day. Everything was a crisis. He couldn't keep the trains on the track, melt down. He couldn't get the car to do what he wanted. Melt down. He couldn't get the food just right on the plate. Melt down. He couldn't get the book he wanted because Noah had it. Melt down. You name it...he melted down. He even wanted out of the bath as soon as he got in. Which is WAY not like him. I am worn out...heading to bed early for a change. Or at least attempting to.

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