Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I just looked at our temp thing for outside and it is 66 degrees! It is the beginning of August and only 66 degrees outside! I am amazed. Definitely not in Texas any more.

Today was a good day. We all went to The Children's Museum this morning. It was sad to see our friends go but we did have a fantastic visit. Cameron of course woke up from his nap asking for Rilee and then Cathy and then Robert. He is such a sweet child. This evening we headed to the National Night Out Against Crime. The boys had a blast. They LOVED the live music. Can I tell you how happy that made me????? Doors have no opened in our future. They sat there for a long time for a 2.5 year old and Cameron still wanted to stay. It was just a little loud for Noah. But they had fun and of course wanted to take their balloons to bed with them. Um, no. Mommy is too scared the string around it will choke you, but I promise they will be waiting for you first thing in the morning...

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