Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Mixed kind of day today. It started off a little rough, got better, got really bad, got better and then ended just fine. The boys had a huge melt down when we were leaving the park today and it was just miserable for all 3 of us I think. They were hungry and tired but still wanted to play so it was not pretty. But we ended the day well so that is the important thing I guess. They are just very independent and want to do what they want to do right now. They are 2.5...need I say more?

Monday, June 29, 2009


Good day. Cameron has decided to be cranky from time to time but hopefully it is his 2nd year molars or something and not the terrible 2's finally really setting in. We spent some time outside enjoying this BEAUTIFUL weather. It is the last days of June and we opened our windows and enjoyed the cool weather and windy day. Ah, could have never done this in Texas. Can't say I am missing the 100+ weather they are having back there at the moment. Some friends of ours even told us their pool is 94 degrees so that isn't even enjoyable at the moment. That is usually an August or September thing there. Hopefully that isn't a forecast as to what the rest of the summer will be like. I am feeling bad for them right now.

Went and met a friend for some dessert and drinks tonight. Much needed mommy break. It was so nice to sit and talk and laugh and just enjoy some adult interaction. Ah, the simple pleasures in life.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Thinking of my dad a lot these days and especially today, the anniversary of his death. I really, really miss him and miss that the boys never got to meet him. He would have been so proud of them and I know he is smiling down upon them now.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Cameron playing puppy with his cool puppy ears our Kindermusik teacher gave them at their last class. He is just too cute!

We got a washer and dryer today, will be delivered tomorrow. Looking forward to getting the ton of laundry finished I have piled up now. Man, didn't realize how much we use the thing!

The boys are so happy to have daddy home. They asked for him all day. Even when he would just step outside this evening to move the sprinkler. I know this is tough on him to be gone so often but this is all they have ever known so at least it is consistent. They love their daddy and want to see him as much as they can. I think it also makes them appreciate him a little more since they don't see him 24/7 like they do me.

Busy day getting things done. Finally have my Nikon ready to send off. Only took me a month! Playing catch up on things from this last month that seems like one big blur. Can't believe July is right around the corner!!!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009


It was a day. Friday thankfully. The boys are really missing their daddy today and of course poor guy gets delayed. So he won't get to see them until the morning. Guess that teaches us to tell the boys daddy will be home tonight!

Took the boys shopping for a new washer and dryer this evening. They did well considering they were confined to a stroller. Not sure what to get. I know what I would like to but trying to be realistic about it. Ya know? The front loaders really do seem to save so much water when you are doing the laundry for a family of 4. Plus the steam function will save on dry cleaning. Hmm...what to do.

The boys are REALLY into trains and cars. That is almost all they play with the entire day now with the exception of Little People from Fisher Price. Amazes me. Noah came up to me this evening for the very first time and wanted to play pretend. They have this little carnival and with it there is a ticket booth. Cameron and I have been pretending to "buy tickets" for a while now. So Noah came up and brought the ticket booth and 2 people and wanted to play tonight. It was so sweet! He is such a quiet little boy and I am afraid gets overshadowed so often by his brother. But he is coming around these days.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I'll admit it. I am so ready for Mike to be home. I am worn out and ready for him to be home. I know he works hard all day at work and all but when he travels like this it kills me. The boys really start missing him and get all cranky on me. So I get cranky. That was today. But we made it through and actually it wasn't that bad of a day. It was just the very end that got tough. We were playing outside and Noah didn't want to come in. What's new, always one or the other. So it all kind of went downhill for about 30 minutes until he let off steam and we regrouped. Then all was well with the world. Now I am just waiting for them to fall asleep so I can take a nice, long, hot bath. The later it gets the less likely I am to get that bath! But have had to go in there 3 times already since putting them down at 8:30 and an hour later they are still awake. Ugh! But all in all, good day so shouldn't be complaining.

And I just instantly fell in love with this picture. He was so funny and his little hand on his head and puzzled expression I just couldn't help but smile. He had stuck his shovel in the mower's mouth and this was just too cute not to be my picture for today! I think tomorrow we may play in the sprinklers. Cameron seemed to enjoy getting wet tonight while I was moving a sprinkler around. We shall test the waters!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


What a nice afternoon. The morning was another rough one but the afternoon turned out wonderful. I knew all would be well once we all had naps around here. We had some friends over and went swimming, had dinner and played. The boys play well together and are only 6 months apart so I actually had time to talk to another mom for a change instead of just chasing the boys around! Woo-hoo! So hope she doesn't kill me for posting a photo but figured that could easily be mistaken for me. :) Cameron is loving these new floats. He stayed in it half the time. Noah hardly got in but I think it will come and go for him. He had fun though and both were tuckered out this evening and laid there for hour while we wound down this evening before bed. I can't say I minded all the snuggles on evenings like today. :)

I just can't say enough how truly blessed I am. Having twins is not what I expected when I pictured having children. But there are so many wodnerful things about them I couldn't imagine my life without them both...all the good and bad together, rolled into one. For the most part, I am one lucky mommy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Not sure what is up with the first part of our days lately. Hmm, must regroup I guess. Another okay morning and good afternoon. I asked the boys this morning is they wanted to go somewhere or just stay home and they both wanted to stay home. Guess we have been a wee busy and they just want to be at home. But this afternoon we made the trek to get shoes. Got a cross between sandals and tennis shoes so should be good for the rest of the summer. Yippee! And of course Noah didn't want to take them off when we got home. He is the funniest child and cracks me up because he hardly ever wants to try something new and then always ends up liking it and not wanting to stop or leave or whatever the case may be. But hey, he is trying new things so for that one I am thankful!

Monday, June 22, 2009


The day started out rough but ended well. We met some of my old college professors for dinner and it was such a nice ending to an otherwise icky day. I didn't realize that I had not seen them in 11 years. Wow! Time has flown by so quickly. It was pretty cool though to find out they live here now and are actually in the process of buying a house so know they will be around a while. :)

The boys had fun and we braved the sweltering heat to walk around the marina and see the waterfall. Of course they didn't want to leave but we finally convinced them it was time to go with a promise of a bath as soon as we made it home. I have such water babies! Although the funniest thing about that statement is Noah doesn't always want to get into the water but once you get him there he refuses to come out most of the time. Silly kiddos!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy Father's Day! I hope Mike had a good one. I know the boys had a good day. They were crashed at nap time. I think mostly from yesterday and the swimming. Noah was so tire when we went to get him from the nursery at church and he saw me he burst into tears and didn't stop crying for what seemed like 5 minutes. He just held on to my neck and cried and laid there. Poor little guy. He then proceeded to take a 3.5 hour nap after lunch. Think they were exhausted. I got to sneak a nap in and get some stuff done while they napped and Mike took a ride on his motorcycle. Nice day.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


How fast did today go? Well, actually very. Last night was crazy. We had some BAD storms and winds up to 60 mph. There was stuff scattered all over from different houses. This is the second time this kind of winds have happened here since we have been here. I only thought I was getting away from hurricanes. Crazy. Strangely enough the boys slept through the worst part but then a few hours later (about 12:30 am) we got a second wave of bad rain and lightening. Noah woke up screaming. Poor guy. An hour later I get him back to bed and just as I am drifting off Cameron wakes screaming...teeth. He is getting his 2 year molars so the poor guy had lost his pacifier that he chews on while he sleeps. Fun night to say the least.

Today was fast thankfully. Ran errands, played with boys, ran errands, went swimming all afternoon after their nap, bath, wind down and put them to bed. Have cleaned up and am going to head to bed very soon myself!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Both of the boys will put their one leg over the other while I am changing their diapers. It always make me giggle. I was trying to get Cameron's picture and every time I would pull the camera out to snap the photo he would put his leg back down and laugh. This became quite the game. So Noah obliged for me and I got the photo after all. Of course with Puppy too!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Lots of playing with trains today and in the basement. Just a good day at home with the boys.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Nice day. Had friends over for dinner and to play and just enjoying the summer. Cameron woke up this morning saying his prayers. It was the sweetest thing ever!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Rainy day. Went to the dentist this morning so the boys had some time with Daddy. We had our 11 month inspection on the house, which kind of freaks me out we have been hear early a year already! Can't believe that one.

We broke out the balls and make shift ball pit this afternoon. What a great thing to do on a rainy day! I had a kiddo pool from last year we never used so I blew it up and filled it with balls. They had a blast. Cameron kept laying in it saying he was going to sleep. I guess they felt good on his little back or made him comfortable or something. It was pretty funny.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Good day but went quickly. We have our normal Monday therapy so that takes most of the morning. Then the boys and I played all afternoon and Mike ended up working late so we had an easy dinner. But after dinner we took the boys to Dairy Queen for the first time. That was the highlight of the day. I have to laugh because Cameron will talk and talk and talk some more about ice cream but when it comes to eating it he won't. This is the same child who loves pop sickles but won't touch ice cream. It cracks me up. Noah on the other hand has come to like ice cream. He tends to like whatever you are having, even if it happens to be the exact same thing you have, and then he has to switch back and forth a few times. They are so different from each other.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Must say today was one of those days I would have been happy to just skip. I have really been hurting a lot since the surgery and today was just miserable for me. We even ended up not going to church because I was hurting so badly. Wasn't expecting that so far out from the surgery. I thought it would just keep getting better and better but instead it is getting worse. I have my follow up tomorrow with the surgeon and did a little searching online. Seems this is kind of normal. Yuck.

On the flip side when I look at this picture it makes me think that Cameron always has a smile on his face. I truly am blessed with happy children. They are 2.5 so they have their moments but I truly feel so, so blessed these days.

The boys had fun playing with Daddy though today and even got to make yet another trip to Lowe's. We got a ceiling fan for our living room and when Mike went to put it up last night they had accidentally put the wrong brackets for the blades in it. Kind of funny. So they headed off to Lowe's to "ride in the race car" while I took a pain pill and slept a little. Thank goodness it was the weekend!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I hit the jackpot today! I actually went and hit the garage sales and did well this morning. I am so freaking excited! I am not a garage sale person usually. I know I need to so we can save a little money since the boys are growing so very fast. I hate to dig. But I was on a mission for some storage type solutions and Fisher Price toys. I made out like a bandit on both accounts! So very excited!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Long day. It is always tough when Mike is gone. Just worn out and didn't sleep well last night. Am excited for the weekend though! Ad this beautiful flower were sunflowers that the boys planted from seeds that are sitting on my windowsill. It makes me smile every day to see them and I am amazed at what a great little macro setting this new point and shoot has!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Okay day today. Noah woke up cranky and kind of stayed that way all day. We had to go see the pediatrician this morning because he has had a rash all week on his little face and it had gotten way worse this morning. Allergic reaction to the sunscreen from the weekend. Fun. Made appointment finally with dermatologist for the little guy as we have tried every sunscreen out there for kiddos.

We went to the local Farmer's Market they started here this afternoon. They had yummy, fresh kettle corn! There were only a few vendors but as the summer progresses it should get better and better. I am so excited! We plan to go every week and see what fun new stuff they have each week. They boys seemed to have a good time and we met up with some friends so it was a nice afternoon.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


What a nice day. It rained in the wee hours this morning but turned out this afternoon to be beautiful. I was sad it was so wet because I wanted to take the boys out to play the weather was just amazing around 6 this evening. But we had fun playing none other than monster and chomp. Imagine that. He, he.

Noah and Cameron have discovered Moon Sand. Oh my. This is a very strange feeling thing. I can't say I even enjoyed touching it but they had a ball. Must get more. And this will be an outside activity for a while I imagine from Noah's enthusiasm to cover himself and everything else in it this morning. He didn't even want me to wash it off his hands. Silly one.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Nice day. The boys are changing every day and it always just amazes me. They are really into playing chase and monster. This could go on all day and they would never tire. I was giggling tonight as we added a new feature...chomp. Now we can run all day around the house on rainy days and tire ourselves out. Maybe this will be good for tomorrow as it is supposed to be raining all day. Sigh.

Must get Noah to the dermatologist. Not one sunscreen has worked for him. At least it is going to rain the next few days. Poor guy.

Can't leave the room for a few minutes any longer as they boys have taken to fighting when I walk away. Please tell me this is a very short phase! We had just gotten to the point I could walk away for a few minutes and not worry about them. Motherhood...always something to keep you on your toes.

Monday, June 8, 2009


What a nice day. We started off heading to the library and then came home and watched a video we had picked up while there. The boys loved going to the library and being able to look at book, CDs, and even the computer. They even got their very own library cards and have registered for the summer reading club. How fun is that?

They made some pretty pictures here at home today and after dinner got to play outside for a few hours. They were little tuckered ones tonight. Wish I could say most of our days went like today. Just trying to find a good groove now that all our usual activities are over with.

I love to hear my boys sing. They are doing it more and more each and every day and I am loving it. They even sang a lullaby tonight when it came on Backyardigans. Just made my heart melt into a bog old puddle!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


The boys were kind of out of sorts today but it was still a good day I guess. We went to our usual spot for breakfast and then to church. They really do seem to be enjoying church and I am glad they actually have a little Sunday school lesson during their time in the nursery instead of it just being a play time. I know that may sound strange to some but I am rather happy about it.

We headed to the pool for the first time this season this afternoon. I must get Noah to the dermatologist soon so I can find a sunscreen that doesn't irritate him. I must also get my Nikon fixed very soon! I am REALLY missing my camera but these last two weeks have been so busy I haven't had the time to call and find out what I need to do to get it sent in. Sigh.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


We headed to the zoo today and had a ball. It was so much different than when we went last year. The boys are so interested in all the animals and Cameron even wanted to give the giraffe a hug. It of course was the cutest thing ever to me!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Loving playing beach and want to keep their shirts off all the time now. :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009


We have the results! All is well. No cancer. Thank God!!!!!!

The boys had a little rough day today but I am sure some of that had to do with the stress both Mike and I have been feeling the last few days on waiting for the results. We were much happier tonight and the boys seemed to be as well. Strange how you don't realize some times just how much your mood affects your children.

We got to play outside this afternoon and enjoy some beautiful sunshine. The weather here has been so mild and it is so strange for me this time of year. I am used to it already being in the 90's and pretty close to miserable by the time June rolls around. It is 59 degrees outside right now and just wonderful. I had my windows opened today! Loving Indiana!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


The boys did fantastic today. We had a busy day so that helped I am sure. When the grandparents went home first thing this morning we were worried it would be a huge episode, but they did fine. They are getting to be so big and learning so many new things.

No news on the results. A wee but stressed about that but will try to get them tomorrow. Sigh.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


All was going well today until I took one of the new pain pills. It made me dizzy and feel all strange. I had to go and lay down, which of course led to me falling asleep. Which I probably needed but still. I was hoping to at least stay awake and play with the boys for a while. Oh well, I did manage to stay awake the rest of the afternoon and even snuck out (thanks to a wonderful mom who came and picked me up...thanks Christy!) for the end of year banquet for the MOMS group I am in. Woo-hoo!

I miss my boys. Tomorrow the grandparents go home and hubby goes back to work. Thankfully we have lots to keep us busy. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Did have my meds switched so was more awake this afternoon than I have been the last 3 days. Still sore and am ready to get life back to normal. The boys are having fun though playing with Daddy, Nana and PaPaw so that is the important thing. They went and played at the park this morning and then played around the house this afternoon. Such a beautiful day and I hate that I slept half of it away. Missing my time with my little guys.