Monday, June 22, 2009


The day started out rough but ended well. We met some of my old college professors for dinner and it was such a nice ending to an otherwise icky day. I didn't realize that I had not seen them in 11 years. Wow! Time has flown by so quickly. It was pretty cool though to find out they live here now and are actually in the process of buying a house so know they will be around a while. :)

The boys had fun and we braved the sweltering heat to walk around the marina and see the waterfall. Of course they didn't want to leave but we finally convinced them it was time to go with a promise of a bath as soon as we made it home. I have such water babies! Although the funniest thing about that statement is Noah doesn't always want to get into the water but once you get him there he refuses to come out most of the time. Silly kiddos!

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